Connect Primary 6 Unit 1 Vocabulary

Connect Primary 6 Unit 1 Vocabulary 

Connect Primary 6 Unit 1 Vocabulary

Ancient Artifacts


  • Meaning: Very old, from a time long ago.
  • Example: The pyramids of Egypt are ancient structures.
  • Arabic: قديم


  • Meaning: An object made by a human from a long time ago.
  • Example: This pottery shard is an artifact from ancient Greece.
  • Arabic: قطعة أثرية


  • Meaning: Able to last a long time without breaking or being damaged.
  • Example: Stone is a durable material that can be used to make buildings that last for centuries.
  • Arabic: دائم / متين


  • Meaning: Very interesting and capturing your attention.
  • Example: I find ancient history fascinating.
  • Arabic: رائع


  • Meaning: A hard, transparent material that is often used to make windows and bottles.
  • Example: The ancient Egyptians were skilled at making glass beads.
  • Arabic: زجاج 


  • Meaning: A soft, yellow precious metal that is often used to make jewelry.
  • Example: Tutankhamun's tomb was filled with gold treasures.
  • Arabic: ذهب 


  • Meaning: A very hard, gray rock that is often used for countertops and monuments.
  • Example: The Sphinx in Egypt is made of granite.
  • Arabic: جرانيت 


  • Meaning: To keep something safe from damage or decay.
  • Example: Museums help to preserve ancient artifacts.
  • Arabic: يحافظ على


  • Meaning: A hard, solid material that is made up of minerals.
  • Example: Many ancient tools were made from stone.
  • Arabic: حجر / صخر

Animals in Ancient Egypt

1. Baboon:
  • Meaning: A clever monkey with long fur and a flat face, living in groups called troops.
  • Example: Baboons groom each other and even use tools like rocks to crack open nuts.
  • Arabic: قرد البابون

2. Crocodile:

  • Meaning: A large, long-snouted reptile that lives in water and on land, known for its strong jaws and sharp teeth.
  • Example: Crocodiles can stay underwater for a long time and ambush prey with surprise attacks.
  • Arabic: تمساح 

3. Falcon:

  • Meaning: A fast-flying bird of prey with sharp eyesight and hooked beak, hunting other birds and small animals.
  • Example: Falcons can dive incredibly fast to catch their prey in mid-air, like feathered fighter jets!
  • Arabic: صقر

4. Hippopotamus:

  • Meaning: The largest land mammal in Africa after elephants, spending most of the day in water with big, bulging eyes.
  • Example: Despite their size, hippos are surprisingly good swimmers and can even run fast on land for short distances.
  • Arabic: فرس النهر

5. Ibis:

  • Meaning: A wading bird with long legs and a curved beak, often found in wetlands and marshes.
  • Example: Ibises often feed in groups, probing the mud with their beaks for insects and small creatures.
  • Arabic: أبو منجل

6. Monkey:

  • Meaning: A type of small to medium-sized primate with fur, tails, and agile hands and feet, living in trees or on the ground.
  • Example: There are many different types of monkeys in Africa, from the playful meerkats to the acrobatic spider monkeys.
  • Arabic: قرد

7. Snake:

  • Meaning: A long, legless reptile with scales, found in various habitats and feeding on different things depending on the species.
  • Example: Some snakes are constrictors, wrapping around their prey to squeeze it, while others are venomous, using bites to inject poison.
  • Arabic: ثعبان 

8. Rat:

  • Meaning: A small rodent with fur, a pointed nose, and a long tail, often found in urban areas and grasslands.
  • Example: While sometimes considered pests, rats play important roles in ecosystems by eating leftover food and being food for other animals.
  • Arabic: فأر 

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